Tuesday, May 5, 2009

NEW Bus Ads Starting to Appear!

Get On The Bus - Our new ad campaign is starting to swing into high gear. You might have already seen our new bus ads around town. Here are some images of our new slogans. Let us know which is your favorite.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Past Client-Denny Called For New Head Shots.

I received a call out of the blue yesterday from a past client, Denny. A really great actor, who is working hard on his career. He is looking for new head shots, so we booked him in for a shoot. We had a great time shooting his last head shots, and I am really looking forward to our up coming shoot. I told Denny that I have my new Canon 5d mark 2 camera, and he is excited to see the amazing photos this camera produces.

Website Updated

Yesterday was spent updating my website. Added 3 new client pictures which I think look great! Added a link to my blog here, and added a video page where you can see my "What Can I Do For You " head shot video - 2min in length. Come for a visit ScottStewartPhotography.com